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The Dutch Reach: A Simple Way to Prevent Accidents When Exiting your Car

By 7th November 2024 November 13th, 2024 News, Road Safety

When we think about road safety, we often forget that even something as simple as exiting a car can pose a danger to cyclists and motorcyclists. The Dutch Reach is an easy, effective method that can help prevent accidents and make roads safer for everyone.

What is the Dutch Reach?

The Dutch Reach is a technique for opening a car door using your far hand, rather than the hand closest to the door. This would mean a car driver would use their left hand to open the door, and passengers would use their right. This action naturally causes a person to turn their body and check over your shoulder for approaching cyclists, motorcyclists, or pedestrians, reducing the risk of a “dooring” accident when a cyclist, motorcyclist or pedestrian collides with a car door that was suddenly opened in their path.

Why is it Important?

“Dooring” incidents can be a significant danger for cyclists and other road users on busy roads. Many occur because drivers and passengers don’t check thoroughly before exiting the vehicle. The Dutch Reach makes looking for other road users a built-in part of opening the door, reducing these preventable accidents.

How to do the Dutch Reach

  1. Driver: Use your left hand to open the door, forcing you to turn and check over your shoulder.
  2. Passenger: Use your right hand to do the same on the left-hand side.

This simple change makes it easier to spot cyclists, pedestrians, and other road users.

The UK and the Dutch Reach

Adopted widely in the Netherlands, the Dutch Reach has significantly reduced dooring incidents in a country known for its cycling culture. With cycling on the rise, this technique can help improve safety. It also aligns with the 2022 Highway Code update, which emphasises protecting vulnerable road users.

Easy Steps to make it a Habit

  • Practice regularly so it becomes automatic.
  • Spread the word to family, friends, and others.
  • Post reminders in your car as a visual cue.

Final Thoughts

The Dutch Reach is a simple, cost-free way to improve road safety, particularly for cyclists. By making this small change, we can help reduce accidents and make our roads safer for all users.


If you’ve been in an accident, CRASH Services can take care of everything at no cost to you. Please speak to one of our specialists from our claims team today. Or call us now on 028 9066 0244.

CRASH Services can arrange vehicle recoverycollision investigation, organise repairs, provide a replacement vehicle, liaise with insurance companies and offer legal and medical assistance.




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