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Is Polish your first language?

By 15th November 2021 July 16th, 2024 News
Anna Johnston is a claims handler here at CRASH Services and is originally from Synovitis in Poland.

Did you know Anna from our claims team can speak to you in Polish?

Anna Johnston is a claims handler here at CRASH Services and is originally from Synovitis in Poland.

In the video below Anna explains how she was recently able to help a customer of CRASH Services who had been in an accident by speaking to them in Polish as English wasn’t his first language.

Polish translation


Nazywam sie Anna  Johnston  I pracuje  w CRASH Services przy obsludze roszczen.

Niedawno mialam okazje pomoc klientowi ktory uczesticzyl w wypadku samochodowym  I nie czul sie pewnie rozmawiajac po angielsku.

Ucieszylam sie ze moge pomoc gdzyz rozumiem ze czasami jest troszke trudneij wytlumaczyc wszystko gdy angielski nie jest twoim pierwszym jezykiem.

Client byl bardzo zadowolony ze moglam z nim rozmawiac po polsku  I na biezaco informowac go o rozwoju jego sprawy.

Crash Services chcemy pomoc kazdemu uczesniczacemu w wypadku samochodowym I  mozliwosc rozmawiania po polsku bardzo pomogla temu klientowi.

Jesli  ty lub ktos z towich znajomych uczestniczyl w wypadku samochodowym to zadzown do nas z checia pomozemy

W Crash zajmujemy sie wszystkim bez zadnych  kosztow dla ciebie.

If you are involved in a road traffic accident, we can take care of everything. We aim to take away the hassle and get you back on the road as quickly as possible. There is no fee for the accident management service as all costs are recovered from insurers involved.

We can arrange vehicle recoverycollision investigation, organise repairs, provide a replacement vehicle, liaise with insurance companies and offer legal and medical assistance.


Contact us on 028 9066 0244 and ask can you speak with Anna Johnston if you would like to communicate with us in Polish. 

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