The last thing you want on your summer vacation to the North Coast or down South is for your car to breakdown…
Here are several simple ways to avoid a summer car breakdown.
Engine coolant levels
You need to check your coolant fluid level is between the maximum and minimum marks on the tank at least once a week when the engine is cold. If the coolant level has dropped, make sure that you get it checked out at your local garage because ordinarily, coolant levels should remain at the same level between services.
Batteries are one of the most common causes of vehicle breakdowns. Make sure that your battery is in full working order with a battery test, which will be done for free in many garages.
Especially if you are heading on a long journey, call around your car mechanic and ask them to check your brake pads, discs and fluid levels so as to ensure you won’t incur any problems when you are miles away from home.
Oil Levels
Check that your car’s oil levels are between the maximum and the minimum on your dipstick in order to avoid causing potentially irreparable damage. This should ideally be checked at least once a week.
Punctures can be common in the summer. High temperatures often aggravate damage which may already be there. It is important to monitor your tyre pressures; checking them every week to ensure that they comply with the manufacturer’s stated guidelines. These can be found either in your vehicle handbook or on the inside of the driver’s door.
Get Breakdown Cover today!
Granite Breakdown a division of CRASH Services offer a fully inclusive breakdown service to over 20,000 Northern Ireland customers for Just £80 per year. Get yours today!
Granite Breakdown covers you across Northern Ireland and Ireland so you’re covered! Plus they also have an additional GB benefit cover encase you travel to the mainland UK.
Remember CRASH Services are NI’s leading accident management company and can assist you after a collision with an accident repair, recovery, claims and more. All at no cost to you.