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5 Tips to Manage Your Speed

By 2nd October 2024 News, Road Safety, Tips/ Advice
slow down

It is every motorist’s own responsibility to manage their speed for their safety and the safety of other road users whilst also avoiding penalties.

Driving at high speeds reduces your reaction time and stopping distance when unexpected situations arise. Speeding also increases the risk of losing control of your vehicle, and even exceeding the speed limit by just a few miles per hour can lead to serious consequences.

Speeding can and does kill innocent road users. In 2023 there were sadly 71 fatalities on our roads in Northern Ireland with excess speed being a contributory factor in one in seven fatal accidents.

To keep yourself and other road users safe, here are our top 5 tips to help manage your speed

1. Consider the conditions when driving: Poor weather, bright glare from the sun, surface water, leaked oil and much more will require you to significantly reduce your speed.

2. You don’t have to drive the speed limit: Just because a road has a speed limit, it is the LIMIT and not a recommended speed. It is important to slow down to be prepared for every eventuality. Always give yourself extra time to arrive at your destination for your intended time, unexpected traffic queues and road closers are inevitable to pop up so leaving with extra time allows you to drive safely and arrive with time to spare.

3. Judge the environment where you are driving: Always remember, ’20 is plenty’ in residential areas, city centres and school zones. If you are driving on roads, you are not familiar with take your time and go slower especially on country roads when you never know what could be around the next corner. When driving on roads with workmen carrying out repairs, always slow down to give them the space they need to work safely.

4. Utilise the safety features that your vehicle provides: New vehicles now offer safety features such as driver assistance, brake assist, collision warnings and more which may not work effectively if you are speeding. You should also be aware not to fully rely on these features, they are for assistance and not to be fully depended upon.

5. Don’t let others influence your driving: It is not uncommon for other motorists to pressure you into driving faster by driving too close behind or flashing their lights at you. In these instances, you should let them safely overtake you as soon as a safe opportunity arises. Often passengers can also pressure a driver into going faster but remember, you are the one in control of the vehicle and responsible for your passengers and other road users so politely remind them of this and continue to drive at a safe speed.

Not only does speeding put you at risk of being in an accident you are also risking receiving a speeding fine or even being suspended from driving. Be mindful about managing your speed to stay safe on the road.


If you’ve been in an accident, CRASH Services can take care of everything at no cost to you. Please speak to one of our specialists from our claims team today. Or call us now on 028 9066 0244.

CRASH Services can arrange vehicle recoverycollision investigation, organise repairs, provide a replacement vehicle, liaise with insurance companies and offer legal and medical assistance.

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